The Other side

In the morning I woke up to see I was in a fantasy world. I screamed then  I loudly  said “where am I ?” I saw an egg.  It hatched. It was a baby eagle. It went outside and I saw a rainbow, lots of flowers too. The baby eagle warned me not to go to the other side. I listened so I went to the other side. I went to see the other  side of the rainbow sent me back to a abandoned city.

kelly tarlton

On a special day we were going to Kelly Carlton I was so excited that my head exploded. My most favourite thing going to Kelly Carlton was  seeing all the marine life. The turtle  shell was made of the same thing that human fingernails are.Other countries eat turtles. But it is illegal to eat a turtle in New Zealand .Kelly Carlton has been open for 39 years,so it was so sad that other countries eat the turtle and hope it does not keep happening. Kelly Carlton has been open since 1985 penguins can blend in and can camouflage with the snow. Because it’s white and black. predators cannot see high and below, when I saw the

penguin it followed my hand I moved  it to the left and to the right it moved where my hand was. I had fun. Then left {then} did the ice challenge it was me vs Mesepa  it was a tie then we had lunch.