On Monday we did a race. My team was Caleb, Savior,Ali, and Genashua. The game was to try to figure out the ten challenges. ‘

The first one was to count how many planks are on the whole deck outside the School Hall. There were seventeen planks altogether.

Next, we had to piggy back our team across the courts. First up was me and Caleb, he said he wanted to piggyback me. Later we had to take a picture of our piggy back. We did the next challenge, it was to find Mel. She was in  the most western part of the school. We found her at the end and she marked our hand.

The next challenge was to use chalk to represent our team. We drew our house in a square that finally finished the race! First place was Lutes team, second place was Ava’s team, and third place was Dagis team. My favorite challenge was the piggy bank and The race was fun.

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