Once upon a time there was a girl called Zahra. Every morning Zahra did her chores and fed the animals .Until one day she saw the apple tree dying and she tried to get water. Every time she used the water from the water fountain she used it every time until there was no more water then a little bit of water in her pot. She cried then she put a bit of water in the tree then she went to sleep as the tree grew. It shades Zahra and it got bigger and bigger and plants grew well. THE END.

One thought on “zahra

  1. Talofa Ezekiel, Thank you for sharing your writing. It sounds like the girl gave a lot to help the tree survive. Can you imagine giving your last drop of water to something that might not work or grow? I would like to think I could be that selfless, but humans have a tendency to protect what will help them survive. How might the tree give back to her in the future now she has no water?
    Tanya Mundy
    Ako Hiko EPL

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